Reservation of Rights

Louisburg College expressly reserves its right to bring charges against any student, under the Student Conduct Process, for misconduct which does not constitute a violation of the Louisburg College Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, and Misconduct Policy.
When a student is reported to have engaged in both sexual harassment, discrimination, and misconduct and other types of misconduct, the College will ordinarily review the reported sexual harassment, discrimination, and misconduct and other types of misconduct pursuant to the Title IX Policy. The Title IX investigator will investigate the reported other types of misconduct and the final Title IX investigative report will reach conclusions concerning whether the respondent violated the Sexual harassment, discrimination, and misconduct Policy and any other sections of the Student Code of Conduct using a preponderance of the evidence standard.
If the Title IX report concludes that the respondent violated the Sexual harassment, discrimination, and misconduct Policy and any other sections of the Student Code of Conduct, the Sanctions Panel will determine the sanctions for all misconduct in accordance with the process described in Part III of the Title IX Policy. If the Title IX report concludes that the respondent did not violate the Sexual Harassment, Discrimination and Misconduct Policy, but that the respondent did violate other sections of the Student Code of Conduct, the Title IX report will be referred to the Coordinator for Student Advocacy and Accountability for resolution in accordance with the Student Conduct Process set forth in the Student Code of Conduct.
Louisburg College expressly reserves the right to address any alleged employee/contractual policy and workplace violations that are not covered by the Title IX Policy that may have taken place concurrently to the alleged Title IX Policy violation. These alleged violations will be addressed in the manner outlined in employee or faculty handbooks and/or contracts.