Housing & Residence Life

Residence Life 

Complete your 2025/2026 Housing Application


Welcome to your Campus Home Away from Home!

Living on campus is not only a great time, but studies have demonstrated that students who live on campus have an especially positive college experience.  The unique opportunities to form friendships and build strong connections with other residence hall students from a variety of backgrounds is an important component of the Louisburg College experience. 

The Housing & Residence Life Program at Louisburg College is committed to providing students with a safe and secure environment that supports academic success.  Our eight living and learning communities not only provide a safe place for students to study and relax, they also provide an atmosphere that is conducive to personal growth and continued learning beyond the classroom. As a residential student, you will quickly recognize shared interests with others in your community as well as learn to appreciate individual differences.

Louisburg College students are our number one priority!  Our goal is to provide students with the resources needed to make living and learning on campus a success.

The Housing & Residence Life staff work with students to ensure that our living and learning communities are responsible, safe and inclusive. Campus Safety, Maintenance & Housekeeping staff also work in partnership with staff to ensure that the residence halls are safe, clean, and maintenance free.

The Office of Housing & Residence Life expects all of our students and staff to be positive and productive members of the campus residential communities. Therefore, students are expected to contribute to the sense of community in each hall by exercising honor and integrity, respecting the rights of others, and making good decisions  It is also the personal responsibility of each student to familiarize themselves with the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct. These policies and procedures have been designed to safeguard you as well as others in your community. We want the living experience in the residence halls to be worthwhile and enriching for everyone!

Wishing you the absolute best on your academic journey at Louisburg College. GO HURRICANES!

The Mission of the Office of Housing & Residence Life is to promote residence hall environments which: 
  • Meet the physical and emotional needs of residents
  • Give students a sense of belonging to an inclusive community
  • Provides opportunities for individual growth
  • Encourages responsible citizenship and empathy for others
  • Is free from undue distraction or disruption
  • Is safe, clean, and free of damages