Louisburg College Hosts 2023 GAC Reunion

GAC 1973 AlumniSaturday, April 29, Louisburg College held its annual Golden Anniversary Club (GAC) Reunion on the lawn by Benson Chapel.

The event honors alumni celebrating their 50th (or more) graduation anniversary. This year, the club inducted the Class of 1973. Registration and sign-in for the event began at 10 a.m. while the festivities started with an alumni brunch at 11:30 a.m. 

During brunch, music was played and a multi-prize raffle was drawn. Louisburg College honored GAC member and former GAC president Paul Wilson with a special gift. 

Louisburg College Institutional Advancement also introduced the Peggie Lee Wilder Legacy Award, honoring the late GAC member for her outstanding commitment and loyalty to the College and the program. The award is for "loyalty and longevity to the College."

The event ended with a special dedication to the Love House. The Love House, owned by former president Reverend Frank Swindell Love. In the late 1960s to early 1970s, the Love House, affectionately called "The Zoo," was rented by Louisburg College to use as overflow student housing. Multiple students who lived in the house during the 1970s came to honor the house and those who lived in it during the dedication. 

Thank you to all alumni who came to celebrate and thank you Institutional Advancement!


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