Clubs & Organizations
Get Involved!
There are so many ways to take your education beyond coursework at Louisburg College. Joining student organizations is a terrific way to make new friends, develop leadership skills, and have fun outside of the classroom! Take advantage of your time on campus and explore your passions while discovering new ones in your Louisburg College journey.
Want to Create a New Club or Student Organization?
Students who have interests beyond our current campus organizations should contact the Office of Student Engagement about creating a new club or organization. The limits are endless! At Louisburg College, there have been a variety of clubs such as the Gaming Club and Stand Up Speak Out. Please fill out this interest form.
Clubs and Organizations Interest Form
Every student enrolled at Louisburg College is a member of the Student Government Association. SGA aims to promote the students’ interests, support recognized student organizations, and provide leadership in organizing and coordinating programs and services for the student body. For information on current organizations, meetings, and getting more involved in all things SGA, contact the Campus Advisor or the Office of Student Life in Davis Hall.
Campus Advisor - Dr. Matt Brigner
(919) 497-1131
Students interested in joining this club should contact (919) 497-3247 or
A non-sectarian group, the Christian Life Council, coordinates all campus religious activities and specific service projects in which students are involved. Open to all students, this group meets weekly for fellowship and study. It sponsors Bible Study groups, discussions of timely topics, an off-campus retreat, and assists in planning and leading weekly Chapel services during the school year.
Campus Advisor - Reverend Amanda Bunce
(919) 497-3231
Students interested in joining this club should contact (919) 497-3247 or
The purpose of the Louisburg College Tae Kwon Do Martial Arts Club (LCTMC) is to provide social, competitive, and athletic opportunities to its members and participate in leadership development and volunteering for less fortunate children and families in local communities. The LCTMC team seeks an average minimum GPA of 3.0 in academic excellence.
Campus Advisor - SangSoon Koh
(919) 497-3270
Students interested in joining this club should contact (919) 497-3247 or
Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society is the international honor society of two-year colleges. Louisburg College chartered the Gamma Upsilon Chapter on December 2, 1938. For decades, it has supported the mission of recognizing and encouraging scholarship of top Louisburg College students. Today there are more than two million members in more than 1,250 chapters throughout the world.
Campus Advisor - TBD
(919) 497-3282
Students interested in joining this club should contact (919) 497-3247 or