Important Information

Completed Application  

An application’s file is not complete until the student submits the following documents:

  • Freshman Students: final official high school transcript showing graduation date
  • Transfer Students: final official transcripts from each post-secondary institution attended
  • Readmit Students: official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended since leaving Louisburg.

Enrollment Deposit

When an accepted student decides to attend Louisburg College, the student should submit a deposit to the college. The college requires all students to send a $100 deposit to complete the admissions procedures.

Prompt submission of this deposit is to the student’s advantage since the college establishes freshman housing and class registration priorities using the date of receipt on the deposit. Space reservations and other priority considerations are good only until the due date on the student’s statement of semester fees. Suppose the student has not settled their financial obligation with the Business Office by the due date on the statement. In that case, Louisburg College reserves the right to grant another student their space in class.

Medical Records

Each prospective student must return a questionnaire concerning his or her health history before enrollment. The college consults these records of medical examinations when questions arise concerning the amount of curricular and extracurricular work and physical activity the student can undertake.

North Carolina General Statute 130A-155.1 states:

"No person shall attend a college or university, excluding students attending night classes only, or students matriculating in off-campus courses, or students taking a course load of four credit hours or less and residing off-campus unless a certificate of immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, poliomyelitis, red measles (rubeola), and rubella is presented to the college or university on or before the first day of matriculation."

The Louisburg College student health questionnaire provides students with a convenient method of certifying their immunization history. Failure to file the required certification of immunization will result in the student’s withdrawal from classes without the issue of credit or grades for their courses as well as refunds.

Non-Accredited Institutions

The college will evaluate credits from established four-year or two-year national or international institutions not accredited by regional or national accrediting agencies on a case-by-case basis. 

Non-Discrimination Policy

Louisburg College is committed to equal opportunity for education and employment. It does not discriminate against students, employees, or applicants based on race, color, sex, sexual orientation or sexual preference, national origin, age, or disability. Moreover, the College does not discriminate in the recruitment and admission of students, the recruitment and employment of faculty and staff, and the operation of any of its programs and activities, as specified by applicable Federal laws and regulations.

Louisburg College supports the protection available to members of its community under all applicable Federal laws, including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disability Act of 1990, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, and Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Individuals needing assistance may contact the Disability Services Officer at (919) 497-3302.